Content-type: text/html Manpage of DEPINIT


Section: System Administration Utilities (8)
Updated: October 2003
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depinit - manual page for depinit (depinit) version 0.1.4  


depinit [OPTION...]  


Start and stop services.
-d, --config-dir=DIR
Alternate configuration directory (default is /etc/depinit)
-s, --syslog=PRIORITY
Messages sent to syslog. PRIORITY is one of emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, warning, info, or debug.
-S, --no-syslog
Messages not sent to syslog (default if pid is not 1)
-e, --stderror=PRIORITY
Messages sent to stderr
-E, --no-stderror
Messages not sent to stderr (default if pid is 1)
-f, --file=FILE
File for stderr (default is /dev/console)
-?, --help
Give this help list
Give a short usage message
-V, --version
Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.

depinit is a program for managing services, some of which can be provided by daemons. Services can be started at boot time, or by an explicit command from depctl. They can be stopped for shutdown and by an explicit command. Daemons are automatically recreated if they die. Where possible the work is done in parallel, limited by dependencies given in a configuration directory tree.

Depinit can be started as the init process (process id 1) or as an ordinary process. Some of the defaults and the shutdown procedure change if depinit is not process 1. As an ordinary process, depinit shuts down by killing any child processes that it did not start, then it stops any process it did start. If depinit is process 1, it then umounts everything except /dev and /proc. Anything that cannot be unmounted is remounted read only. Loopback devices used for mounts are detached, then the computer is switched off, halted, or rebooted as required.

When started as process 1, depinit tells the kernel to send it the keyboard signal, closes all file-decriptors, connects stderr to DEFAULT_ERROR_FILE, catches SIGSEGV, and uses syslog facility daemon, (instead of user). Orphanned processes are given parent process id 1, so depinit only does a proper job of killing orphanned process for shutdown when it is process 1.  


Home page for depinit:


If depinit_conf is set, it overrides the default configuartion directory /etc/depinit. It does not override the command line.
If depinit_stderr is set, it overrides the default stderr file /dev/console. It does not override the command line.


If this is set to '1', the kernel sends SIGINT to init when the Boot key is pressed. The default value is '0'.

<configuration directory>/*/
One directory per service to manage.

<configuration directory>/<this_*>/depend
List of services, one per line that must have started before this service can start. Also if depinit is explicitly told to stop any service in this list, it will stop this service first.

<configuration directory>/<this_daemon>/daemon
Script to start a daemon. If the script terminates, depinit restarts it. Most daemons will fork off a process to provide the service, and return. Many will not do this if you use the correct options. You must find these options to use the daemon with depinit. depinit assumes a daemon has started if it runs for a certain amount of time. depinit stops daemons with SIGTERM if they do not ignore that signal, otherwise SIGHUP if they have a contolling terminal, and do not ignore SIGHUP. If that is no good, depinit will use SIGINT (if it is not ignored). If none of the above are chosen, or if the daemon did not die promptly, depinit uses SIGKILL. This choice of signals is also used for killing orphanned processes for shutdown.

<configuration directory>/<this_daemon>/dest
Like 'daemon', but stdin is a pipe from another daemon.

<configuration directory>/<this_daemon>/filter
The logical combination of a dest and a source.

<configuration directory>/<this_daemon>/source
Like 'daemon', but stdout and stderr are a pipe to another daemon (given in depend). If more than one daemon is mentioned in depend, a separate pipe is opened for each, starting at file descriptor 1.

<configuration directory>/<this_service>/start
Start script for a service. Service is assumed to be started if this script terminates with a result of 0. If the service takes too long to start while depinit is shutting down, the service will receive SIGTERM, and if it does not die promptly, SIGKILL. If there is no 'daemon', 'source', 'dest', 'filter' or 'start' file, depinit assumes that a service has started if all its dependencies have started.

<configuration directory>/<this_service>/stop
If a service was started with a start script, or no script at all, depinit will use the stop script to stop it. If depinit is shutting down, and the stop script takes too long to complete, the process for the stop script will receive SIGTERM. If it still takes too long, it will receive SIGKILL. If depinit does not find a stop script, it assumes no action is required to stop the service.

<configuration directory>/default/
Default service to start when depinit is started.

<configuration directory>/exec
If depinit crashes, it execs this file. Bare in mind that stdin, stdout, stderr, and the signal masks will not be set up properly.

<configuration directory>/fifo /dev/initctl
This fifo is used by depctl(8) to communicate with depinit. If depinit is process 1, it uses /dev/initctl. Otherwise it uses <configuration directory>/fifo. depinit will create it if it does not exits, and if the filesystem is mounted rw.

<configuration directory>/sig_*/
Service to start when depinit receives the corresponding signal.

Default configuration directory.

Default file for stderr when depinit started as process 1. If depinit is not process 1, stderr is not changed.


Re-read dependencies.

Start 'sig_int'. The kernel can be configured send SIGINT to init when you press the Boot key. The Boot key is normally <ctrl><alt><delete>, but can be changed with loadkeys(1).

Tells depinit to read '<configuration directory>/fifo'. or '/dev/initctl'. This is how depctl(8) communicates with depinit.

If depinit is process 1, start 'default'. if depinit is not process 1, this signal cannot be caught and depinit exits without shutting down the services.
Start 'sig_quit'. The kernel will send SIGQUIT to the init process each time you press the KeyboardSignal key. If you want 'sig_quit' to be run each time, make sig_quit/start end with "exec /sbin/depctl -k sig_quit".

If depinit is process 1, and it receives SIGSEGV, it logs a backtrace and execs <configurationdirectory>/exec.

Toggles depinit's ability to start services and daemons.

Each of these starts the corresponding service eg SIGUSR1 starts 'sig_usr1'.


The idea for this program came from simpleinit by Peter Orbaek, Werner Almesberger, Richard Gooch and Matthias Benkmann. Thanks also Dr D. J. Bernstein. His software is like lego for the internet, just as much fun to play with, and makes this program usable.  


Written by Richard Lightman

Copyright 2002 Richard Lightman This is free software; May be used and distributed under Version 2 of the GNU public license see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  


Report bugs to richar�x64;  






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Time: 05:53:10 GMT, October 06, 2003